Reconozca las Señales

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Suicide Prevention Week Social Media Posts and Graphics (2018) (Spanish)
Social media posts in Spanish, for use during Suicide Prevention Week 2018.
Suicide Prevention Week Daily Emails (2018) (Spanish) / Mensajes diario de correo electrónico para la Semana de Prevención del Suicidio 2018
Daily suicide prevention emails to send during Suicide Prevention Week.
Mensajes diario de correo electrónico, en español, para la Semana de Prevención del Suicidio 2018
Reconozca Las Señales Lotería
A Reconozca Las Señales Lotería activity to increase awareness about mental health and suicide prevention.
Suicide Prevention Week Digital Banners (2018)/ Pendones Digitales 2018 para Prevención del Suicidio
Digital banners to customize your suicide prevention emails and materials or post them on your website.
Pendones digitales para personalizar su mensaje de prevención del suicidio en correo electrónico, materiales, o para publicar en su sitio web.
El Rotafolio / Flip Chart Suicide Prevention Training Brochure
An introduction to "The Flip Chart / El Rotafolio," a culturally responsive suicide prevention training.
Drop-In Article: Young Latinas and Suicide Prevention
A drop-in article that can be customized or used as-is, for placement in local media, newsletters and blogs.
Talking Points and Data Briefing: Suicide Prevention for Latina Youth
Talking points and a data briefing on the subject of suicide prevention for Latina young people.
Know the Signs Suicide Prevention Posters (Spanish)
Spanish-language Know The Signs suicide prevention posters which help raise awareness and encourage community members to learn the warning signs of suicide.
Suicide Prevention Brochure (Spanish) / Folleto para la prevención del suicidio
A brochure with information about warning signs, how to find the words to offer support to someone and a link to the campaign website for resources. Este folleto proporciona información de como reconocer las señales para ofrecer ayuda, y contiene el enlace al sitio web para mas recursos.
Reconozca las Señales Outreach Tent Cards (Spanish) / Tarjetas "Reconozca las Señales" para distribuir
A print-ready tent card file for your outreach efforts. Archivo de diseño listo para imprimir y distribuir.
Crisis Center Text-Only Poster with Tear-Away Cards (Spanish)
This poster was developed for crisis centers who are seeking to promote their local hotlines.
Crisis Center Picture Poster with Tear-Away Cards (Spanish)
This poster was developed for crisis centers who are seeking to promote their local hotlines.
El Rotafolio (Flip Chart): Spanish Language Resources for Promotores
A webinar facilitated in English and Spanish that provided information about materials for those involved in outreach to the Spanish-speaking community.
Una presentación sobre los recursos disponible para distribuir a la comunidad de habla hispana.
MY3 Client Flyer - Spanish
This flyer offers details about how to stay connected via the MY3 mobile application (in Spanish).
MY3 Client Tent Card - Spanish
This MY3 tent card includes information about how to stay connected via the MY3 mobile application (in Spanish).