These resources are intended to support Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Treatment Providers with integrating suicide prevention into their communication efforts and clinical practices.
- EMM Data Briefing: The Intersection of Substance Use and Suicide Prevention
- EMM Drop-In Article for AOD Providers
- EMM Drop-In Article Substance Use During COVID-19
- Email Template: 5 Ways to Incorporate Suicide Prevention in Alcohol and Drug Treatment Settings
- EMM AOD Suicide Prevention Educational / Process Group Activity is a guided client group activity for AOD treatment settings that goes over warning signs, how to have a conversation, how to reach out for help, as well as what a safety plan is.
Additional Resources:
- National Suicide Prevention: Patient Safety Plan Template
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Safety Planning Guide: A Quick Guide for Clinicians
- Suicide Safety Plan: Safety Planning Intervention
- Suicide Prevention MY3 APP: MY3APP
- SAMSHA In Brief: Substance Use and Suicide
All of the resources are provided as word documents and can be customized as needed.