A video explaining the significance of mental health among the LGBTQ community and encouraging awareness and help-seeking for those experiencing mental health challenges.
A collection of mental health and suicide prevention stories, PSAs and mini documentaries created by and for community members that represent the diversity of California.
A bilingual one-page handout which was created to direct users to download the Latinx LGBTQ+ Immigrant Youth fact sheet at the EMM Resource Center. Este documento bilingüe fue creado para dirigir a las personas a descargar el paquete informativo llamado Jóvenes Inmigrantes Latinx LGBTQ+.
A fact sheet that provides an introduction to the unique challenges faced by Latinx LGBTQ+ immigrant youth, relevant resources, and best practices in serving this population within a culturally responsive framework. Esta hoja informativa proporciona una introducción a los retos únicos que enfrentan los jóvenes inmigrantes Latinx LGBTQ+, los recursos pertinentes, y las mejores prácticas para atender a esta población dentro de un marco culturalmente sensible.